Where the Wallabies Roam – Wallaby Ridge Retreat | Tamborine Mountain Real Estate & Property Management - Professionals

Where the Wallabies Roam – Wallaby Ridge Retreat

Professionals Serendipity Community Insight 28th July, 2022 No Comments
Wallaby Ridge Retreat

Considering the unmatched beauty of the Scenic Rim, it’s no surprise that there’s something for everyone in the accommodation market. However, Wallaby Ridge Retreat offers something special that few others can hope to capture— the perfect solace of its secluded location. Dan Cao, manager, shares the secrets that make this sanctuary the picture of perfect serenity.

by Kyle Hitchmough

How did Wallaby Ridge Retreat get started?

Originally, this was built by John and Robin, they built it from scratch in 2005 and it’s been running ever since. They recently sold, and the person who purchased it is a new owner who’s really into health. They wanted the right person to look after this. I’ve been here six months. I’m a nature person, you have to have a passion to look after a big property like this and you have to like interacting with people, I think that’s important.

What kinds of facilities do you have here?

We have a swimming pool, an outdoor barbecue area with a wood-fired pizza oven that’s great in winter. We have an outdoor spa. We like to offer comfort, but our main draw is the peace and quiet. For example, we just had customers come here from Lismore who had been affected badly by the floods, and they just wanted to get out of the brain space of cleaning up mud and seeing all the damage. They wanted a break, and that’s what we offer. To give you an idea of the peace and quiet, we have musicians that come here and they write their music in the cottages, it’s so quiet. One of the guests here said once “Silence isn’t no noise, it’s just no man-made noise.” I like that a lot. And we’re not far from Cedar Creek Falls and the like.

Do you offer food options for guests?

We offer breakfast for the rooms as a convenience. I bake my own fresh bread here, and the feedback is good! I think it adds a more homely feel to things.

Are there any notable trends in your clientele?

It’s couples, mostly. What we don’t get is party people, people who just drink and make noise, or the types of people who trash the place. We have accommodation for people to relax and unwind, in nature with a country vibe. We’re not a hotel. On the Gold Coast or Brisbane, it’s very busy all the time, very crowded and urban, and here you can take a pause.

Obviously, Wallaby Ridge takes its name from the wallabies that live on the property. Can you tell us more about that?

I usually feed the wallabies at about 5 o’clock. We don’t treat them like pets or anything, but they do hang around. The guests love it. There is something really calming about seeing a wallaby eat. It’s really cute!

Are you a local? What’s your opinion on the Canungra area and community?

I think everyone’s really friendly. The people in Canungra are super friendly, and everyone’s just there to help you. Because there’s so much work to do here, I don’t get out a lot, but when I do it’s just so welcoming. People will ring up and say that locals have recommended us, it’s mostly word of mouth. I try to do the same. I often recommend the Bearded Dragon. I don’t know anybody over there, but I know that it’s good. It’s a helpful environment even if you don’t know anyone. The more you help people, the more the area thrives. Everyone’s honest here, nobody’s trying to make a quick buck. People will tell you what’s what.

What do you think Wallaby Ridge Retreat really provides to the area?

To be honest, in my experience in accommodation, I’ve never been to a place that’s this peaceful. As you can see, you’re driving in maybe two kilometres from the main road. Honestly, you hear nothing. I don’t know of any other accommodation that’s so secluded. In terms of what the whole Scenic Rim area offers, it’s just pure peace and quiet. I don’t think people realise that till they get here.

What do you enjoy most about doing this?

It’s being surrounded by nature. You have to have a passion for what you do. It sounds cheesy, but the passion is getting everything together and waiting for the guests to come. When they leave, they say “We’ve had a really good time”, and I think that’s the best feeling.

What’s been your most memorable moment from your time here?

This couple once came and stayed in one of the cottages. They were very quiet, they did their own thing, and as they were leaving they told me “We’ve got 6 children, this is the first time ever we’ve had 12 straight hours of sleep.” When they came in they looked very tense, but when they left they were really refreshed, like they’d really had the chance to let their hair down.

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