Paws of effect – Adventure Paws Dog Training | Tamborine Mountain Real Estate & Property Management - Professionals

Paws of effect – Adventure Paws Dog Training

Professionals Tamborine Mountain Uncategorised 7th March, 2023 No Comments
Adventure Paws Dog Training

The rural nature of Tamborine makes it an excellent place for dog owners looking for wide open properties to let their furry friends run free. But too much of anything is a bad thing, and that goes the same for letting our pawed pals off the leash. If your dog has trouble reining it in, Tracey Mammen of Adventure Paws Dog Training is here to help. With 7 years’ experience in her field, Tracey knows what makes dogs tick, and it’s an insight she’s ready and eager to share.

by Kyle Hitchmough

What was your original drive to open Adventure Paws Dog Training?

I’ve always been around dogs. My mum was into dog training, so I grew up around them. I became a real dog enthusiast when I got my first dog, and did lots of training. My next dog was a bit more of a handful, so I had to upskill, so I ended up following my passion for dog training. I have a history in working with education as well, helping and educating people, and putting my love of that together with my passion for dogs, now I coach people on how to train their dogs! 

Do you specialize in certain kinds of training?

I can basically manage anything. If someone has a problem, I like to give them a personalised solution. I troubleshoot what’s happening, I find out why, understand the dog, understand the relationship between the person and their dog, and then I helped them address that issue specifically. I don’t just offer a program in basic obedience, I help that person get what they want. A lot of the time it’s coaching the people on how to understand and communicate with their dog better.

Do you train at a competitive level or just domestic?

I do train competition for myself and I can definitely coach for sport events. Mainly, I do a lot of basic obedience, behaviour modification with dogs that are either fearful or aggressive. A lot of vets refer to me for things like that. It’s kind of my niche area, reactivity, dogs that bark at other dogs when they’re on walks, I work with a lot of that sort of thing.

Are certain breeds easier to train than others?

Dogs are reinforced by different things. Working dog breeds love to work, to feel satisfied and achieve things. Some dogs just work to please you. I think the main thing is finding out what your dog wants. Do they like to play? Do they like affection? Or are they reinforced by things you don’t want them to be? All dogs are easy to train if you can meet their needs.

Is age a factor in how easy it is to train a dog?

You can teach an old dog new tricks! It’s always easier to start a puppy, because you can shape and mould and guide it along the way so it doesn’t learn undesirable behaviours, but I see a lot of people with rescue dogs, older dogs, and we can always show them a new fresh start. 

What is the most important piece of advice you have about training dogs?

The biggest secret is having a good relationship with your dogso they actually like you! If you give the dog what it needs, it will value you. I like to find out what the dog wants, what makes it tick, so I can use those things to reward the dog appropriately. Also, teaching the dog boundaries. If they know where their lane is, they’re comfortable, happy and confident. 

As a local, what’s your opinion on the Tamborine area and community?

I love it here! The best thing we ever did was move to this area. I love that it is a community. I had to learn how to put a fence up and I knew Brian from the produce store would have a trick or someone else in the community would. When we get flooded in, I’ve had people lend us a generator. I just love the way the community gets together. It’s just brilliant.

Do you have any favourite places to go in the area?

There’s heaps of things I like to do around here! I love all the bushwalks. Albert River is right there, good cafés, too. I’ve been to Mountain Brew and the Coffee Plantation up on the mountain. And the Village Roastery has just opened up and I love it! It’s so awesome to have a coffee shop there now. Everyone knows you, you can have a chat and then get a coffee from the roastery. They’re dog people too! They’re really helpful with training. I’ve even brought puppies to the chemist and the post office! It helps with early socialisation. It’s fantastic. 

What do you think Adventure Paws Dog Training really provides to the area?

I think I provide a personalised service for people. A lot of people need help showing their dogs not to chase stock or jump fences, how to avoid kangaroos and stuff like that. I can use my piglets and goats and chickens and walk the dogs through there without worrying anybody else’s animals.There’s heaps of things like that I think I can really help people with. One of my favourite things to do is to teach people to get their dog café-proof. We have dog-friendly cafés all over the place. If they can walk their dog past tables and the dog can understand “it’s not for me, I sit with my owners”, people come with that aim a lot. For their final lesson, I meet them at the Roastery or somewhere like that and I say “let’s go have a coffee!” That’s our goal. 

Real Estate Tamborine Mountain

What do you enjoy most about doing this?

I love seeing people get that relationship with their dog. Most families love their dog so much, so when it’s not working out and they’re having issues, it really affects their wellbeing, not just the dog’s but the whole family’s. When you can address that issue and people’s lives are so much easier, it really makes me feel good.

What’s been your most memorable moment from your time doing this?

I’ve had a lady who suffered a shocking dog attack on her dog, and she was having big issues leaving the house with her dog. I’ve been coaching her on how to hold herself and get her dog’s confidence back, and now they’re out and about together and they’re just beaming. They can put a lot of the trauma behind them. We’ve had a few people with that experience, where they can now start enjoying life with their dog again. 

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