Interior Motives – Eighty8 Interior Designs | Tamborine Mountain Real Estate & Property Management - Professionals

Interior Motives – Eighty8 Interior Designs

Professionals Tamborine Mountain Community Insight 20th August, 2024 No Comments
Eighty8 Interior Designs

It’s no secret that Tamborine Mountain is one of the most beautiful places to live on the market with our expansive rainforests and breathtaking waterfalls, but for some, such natural splendour can also come with a certain pressure. Can your home really match up to the view outside its window? It can if Candice O’Rourke has anything to say about it. Eighty8 Interior Designs is a brand new fixture on the mountain but Candice’s keen eye for furnishings and décor is already having a huge impact on the mountain, and she’s more than happy to tell us all about it.

by Kyle Hitchmough

How long have you been operating on the mountain?

I’ve only been open since Mother’s Day weekend, so I’m still fairly new!

How did you get started with design?

It started when I was like 15, changing my room around, and then it grew from there! I’ve studied and taught at TAFE in the diploma as well, and that grew my passion for soft furnishings, finding my niche. I’ve always had a retail background, so for me this is a bit of a shop/ office at the same time! I’ve been doing expos at the Brisbane Home Show for the last two years and a lot of people were asking if I had a shop. So I got one!

Eighty8 Interior Designs

For those who may not be familiar, can you explain what it is you offer here?

I specialize in soft furnishing solutions. A lot of the products are handmade by local women, who I support a lot. I like to find stuff that you don’t see in the shops. I’m trying to bring in the bespoke style. For example, a lot of homes already have lamp bases and they’ve just got white shades that just need to be re-covered, so you can get that done and change the room up. Or you need cushions, and most people already have inserts, so what if you just change the cover?

Do you follow trends in the industry?

I am one of those that don’t follow trends, I prefer to stick out. If I haven’t seen it, then I’m excited for it! I’ll keep an eye out on what’s coming in this season, but I’m not one that hugely follows it. I’m a bit of a rebel!

Do you think home renovation shows like The Block impact your business?

They can do, and sometimes it’s good because it gives people new ideas. The guys that go on there are people who have their own aesthetics. Everyone’s got their own look.

What kind of projects do you work on outside of the retail facet of business?

I do visual merchandising for stores to merchandise their products better. It helps people visualize it and it’s more likely to walk out the door. I also do interior design services, property styling. Sometimes people are needing to sell and they’ve got some good pieces but just need a bit of a lift, so that’s where I come in a little bit differently. The shop is the next part of that, offering them some new products that you don’t really see. We’re online as well.

Have you noticed any local trends in the area?

Everyone up here has been really welcoming and they’re loving the handmade and the pottery, all those sorts of pieces. And also, the different shades and definitely the throws, they’re walking out the door. The feedback’s been great since I’ve been open!

Where do you source your stock from?

Everywhere! A lot of it’s local, from mums and women in business. If I’ve crossed paths with them or there’s something about their product I love, I look into it a little more. Then I have one company that’s sourced from Vietnam and the Philippines, and they support artists and do one-off runs with them. It’s supporting non-mass produced products.

What goes into the average day here for you?

If I’m not serving someone, I’m on my computer doing design work. It’s a bit of an office for me as well! People can send me photos and I can help them with their projects. But I love retail! I’m normally open from 9 to 3:30 or 4 o’clock most days of the week, but I’m closed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to go out for consults!

Eighty8 Interior Designs

Are there any particular patterns in your clientele?

I get a whole range of people. It depends on their style, really! One thing I do love is the men. They love the clocks, and sometimes they drag their wives in as well! It’s a real mix, it’s quite diverse who I get in. Different generations!

Are you a local? What’s your opinion on the Tamborine Mountain area and community?

No, but I’d love to move up here! I’m based in Hope Island. I love it! The community up here is beautiful with everyone supporting one another. Everyone’s really lovely and easygoing. Even people who come to visit are happy! You don’t get a bad person in the door, and it makes for a nice environment.

What’s your favourite thing to do on the mountain?

I’ve done everything! I love the alpaca farm, the glow worm caves, I’ve done the ropes course… I love the Cauldron Distillery, and I’m starting to go to the Aerie next door quite a lot, it’s a great bar in there! Before I even had the shop, I was often coming up for the day to escape from the coast.

What do you think something like Eighty8 Interior Designs really provides to the area?

I think it’s a bit of difference. What I’m finding is the locals saying “We need someone like you up here!” They’re excited to have some quality custom pieces and they don’t have to go down the mountain to get a bit of help. There’s a lot of people buying houses, you’ve got your AirBnBs, wedding venues… There’s a lot of people who need some help!

What do you enjoy most about doing this?

I like to connect with people, just being around people who appreciate what I do. I get a real kick out of just talking to people, getting a community, building a rapport. Retail is my background and I’m passionate about interiors!

What’s been your most memorable moment in your time here?

Honestly, I think it has been just watching the locals watch me while I was setting up for a week, having excitement build up before I opened and then afterwards having people come in and saying “We’ve been watching you, I haven’t been able to get in yet but now we’re here,” it’s been quite special!

Eighty8 Interior Designs
1/140 Long Rd, Tamborine Mountain QLD 4272

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