For Lovers of the Old World – The French Garden | Tamborine Mountain Real Estate & Property Management - Professionals

For Lovers of the Old World – The French Garden

Professionals Tamborine Mountain Uncategorised 10th October, 2023 No Comments
The French Garden

There’s something about the classic beauty and charm of France that enchants people and draws them to emulate its decadent finery in the décor of their homes and spaces. Victoria Mulcahy is well familiar with this siren song, and so her shop, The French Garden on Tamborine Mountain, is more than ready to cater to fulfilling the desires of mountain residents to bring a little of the land of the lights into their lives. Victoria was more than happy to sit down with us and share her story.

by Kyle Hitchmough

How long have you owned The French Garden?

I used to do The French Garden online back in the early 2000s. I’ve just opened the physical shop this year. 

The French Garden

What inspired you to pursue this business?

Since I was a child, I always loved interiors. It was always a passion for me, everything had to be balanced and beautiful, and that stayed with me. It’s something I always wanted to do, and this was my year. I needed that to be my purpose in life, to deliver a little bit of beauty to the world. I just wanted a beautiful little haven for people to come and browse and shop.

Why did you choose Tamborine Mountain to open your physical store?

My heart is here. I don’t know what it is, whether it’s something spiritual, but I feel deeply connected to the land here in whatever form that is. I just feel as if the mountain wanted me, and I wanted the mountain.

For those who might not be familiar, can you explain what it is you offer?

It’s a little juxtaposition of old and new. Little tiny French antique pieces, brand new furniture pieces, vintage furniture pieces, antique books, new products, a gourmet product range that I’ve just brought in from France… It’s just a little bit of everything! But it all has to be beautiful. I’ll keep changing the ranges all the time. It’s always going to be something different. There is a French theme to it all, of course. Something about France is divinely beautiful. “For lovers of the old world”, that’s my motto.

The French Garden

Where do you source your stock from?

A lot from France, of course! Australian wholesalers as well, for some of the new products. I just cherrypick what I like. I have a whole raft of wholesalers, I don’t stick with just one or two.

Are there any items that are notably bestselling or popular?

Surprisingly, no! I thought there would have been a standard line, but I have to say I don’t have a core product. People love the little houses, they love the books, they love flowers, they love antiques… there’s no core line. It’s a little bit of everything, it never gets stale.

Do you have a personal favourite piece?

My chandelier! I love my chandelier. There’s a bit of a story behind that. I purchased that and then found that it’s was so big I had nowhere to put it in my house. I sold it and then I saw it turn back up for sale two years later, the same one, being sold by the same person, so I got it back! And now it has a home in the shop. I just fell in love with it, and everybody loves it too.

Have you noticed any particular trends in your clientele?

Just people with an appreciation for beauty, that’s what I’ve found, walking in and just saying “It’s beautiful!” Heart buyers, that would be the best way to put it. 

Are you a local? What’s your opinion on the Tamborine Mountain area and community?

I am, yes! The community has been so incredibly supportive, it’s almost floored me how beautiful people have been towards me. It almost makes me a bit teary how lovely they’ve been. Supporting me on Facebook, the comments, going and spreading the word for me, I’ve never experienced that in my life. I’ve never had the sense of community that I have here, and I just feel very, very blessed. 

What’s your favourite thing to do on the mountain?

I could recommend a lot! It depends what you’re talking about, food or shops… It’s so difficult because there’s a lot of little places I love, but I spend most of my time here now. I wish I had more time to go to just about everywhere! 

What do you think The French Garden really provides to the area?

From the feedback that I’ve received, it’s been something that’s been missing. Despite the other beautiful shops up here, it’s just on a different path to the others. That’s why I try to offer things that you can’t get elsewhere up here. I make sure I don’t stock anything anyone else on the mountain is stocking out of respect for them and to be different, not like a shopping center where everything is all the same, to bring beauty into the home.

What do you enjoy most about doing this?

I know it sounds a bit cliche, but I actually do like serving people, to bring the joy. Before I opened, a lady walked past the shop as I was setting up and she said “I know what you’re doing! You’re trying to create a little space where people can come and feel happy.” I couldn’t believe that lady said that, because that’s exactly what my dream has been for a very long time, to bring beauty back into a harsh world. I’ve tried to keep my prices reasonable enough to sustain the community coming back and buying from me.

The French Garden

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